Board of Directors and Nominating Committee
Call for Nominations 2025
We are excited to announce the Call for Nominations for the elected positions within the IFNA Board of Directors and the IFNA Nominating Committee. This is a unique opportunity for individuals who are passionate about transforming family health globally to contribute their skills, vision, and leadership.
Serving in an elected position is a rewarding experience that allows you to:
- Influence the direction of the International Family Nursing Association.
- Collaborate with like-minded individuals to make a lasting impact.
- Enhance your leadership and decision-making skills.
All candidates are encouraged to read the IFNA bylaws. Click here to review the IFNA bylaws.
For the 2025 election cycle, there are seven (7) positions open.
This is a five-year commitment: two as President-Elect, two as President, and one as Past-President. A voting member for at least 2 years prior is eligible to be a candidate. The President-elect shall have served at least one term on the IFNA Board of Directors or active as a committee member or task force leader. Eligibility of nominees will be verified.
This is a two-year commitment. A voting member for at least 2 years prior is eligible to be a candidate for the Treasurer position. Prior active participation in one or more IFNA Committees is preferred. The treasurer is responsible for management and reporting the finances of the Association. Eligibility of nominees will be verified.
Director (3)
This is a two-year commitment. A voting member for at least 2 years prior is eligible to be a candidate for a Director position. Prior active participation in one or more IFNA Committees IFNA Chapters or other organized group is preferred. Eligibility of nominees will be verified.
Nominating Committee (2)
This is a two-year commitment. A voting member for at least 2 years prior is eligible to be a candidate for the Nominating Committee. The person receiving the highest number of votes shall chair the committee in the second year of their term. The Nominating Committee shall oversee the election procedures. The Nominating Committee shall solicit potential candidates, validate their eligibility, and propose a final slate of candidates to the IFNA Board or Directors. Ultimately, the nominating committee shall prepare and submit a final ballot to IFNA Membership for voting purposes.
All nominations must be submitted in writing.
Nominate a colleague.
Regardless of being nominated or self-nominating, all candidates who wish to be considered must:
Submit a completed Candidate Information Form
Submit a completed Conflict of Interest Form
Thank you.
The IFNA Nominating Committee,
Chair: Mandie Foster
Co-Chair: Beth Cosgrove
Anne Ersig (2022 – 2026)
Valerie Toly (2024 – 2026)
Mirinda Tyo (2023 – 2025)
Upload your files to IFNA Nomination (Elections)
Deadline for Nominations is Friday, March 21, 2025.