The 12th International Family Nursing Conference – Final Reflections and Looking Ahead
The 12th International Family Nursing Conference was held August 18 -21 in Odense Denmark. With 458 attendees from 31 nations, it was truly a global meeting of nurses engaged with family practice, research, and education. Our time together was filled with multiple opportunities to engage and learn from one another (3 keynote addresses, 6 pre-conference workshops, 5 expert lectures, 3 special sessions, 243 podium and 165 poster presentations). We celebrated our international diversity with a flag ceremony and enjoyed the cultural heritage of Denmark as we explored Odense, Copenhagen, and the Danish countryside. Odense proved a perfect conference venue. We delighted in the Hans Christian Andersen Parade, celebrated together at the lovely Hindsgavl Manor, and marveled at a performance of the Ingrid Kristensen Ballet.

The Glen Taylor Institute for Family and Society and the College of Allied Health Nursing Minnesota State University Mankato were our most generous conference sponsors. They have been longtime supporters of IFNA and the conference, and we thank them for the pivotal role they have played in our association. The conference would not have been possible without the backing we received from the University of Southern Denmark, the city of Odense, and our colleagues, Birte Ostergaard and Hanne Konradsen who chaired the Host City Planning Committee. Jane Lassetter, Veronica Swallow, and Regina Syzlit Bousso, our Country Liaison Coordinators, took the lead in working with a team of international colleagues to disseminate information about the conference and generate world-wide interest. June Horowitz and Helene Moriarty oversaw the abstract solicitation and review process and developed the final program of podium and poster presentations. The Conference Planning Committee was supported in our efforts by the Resource Advancement Committee (Suzanne Feetham, Carol Loveland-Cherry and Linda Young) who contributed greatly to the success of the conference through their efforts to enlist sponsors and exhibitors. Thanks to Marcia Van Riper, Board of Director liaison to the Planning Committee, we had our first every IFNC auction. We also thank the IFNA Board itself, especially Catherine Chesla (President) and Carole Robinson (President Elect), for their belief in us and their unwavering support of the Conference Planning Committee. It was a great success, both in terms of fun and fund raising! Debbie Zaparoni and Beth Kassalen continue to be our very special partners. In many ways, they are the “glue” that holds our enterprise together.
Finally, we thank all our conference attendees for your continuing commitment to family nursing. We hope to see you again in Pamplona.
Janet Deatrick and Kathy Knafl
Co-chairs 12th International Family Nursing Conference