IFNA Election Results 2022
A special thank you to the Nominating Committee:
Chair: Elisabeth Coyne (Australia)
Co-Chair: Patricia Beierwaltes (USA) (Chair 2022 – 2023)
Members: Intima Alrimawi (USA), Mari Ikeda (Japan), and Michele Polfuss (USA)
IFNA Board Liaison: Lindsay Smith (Australia)
Once again, the Nominating Committee put forth a robust and diverse slate of candidates for this election.
Thank you to the all the candidates that agreed to put their name forth for this election.
Thank you to the 136 IFNA Members who voted. Terms of office begin June 30, 2022.
Below are the election results. It is with sincere appreciation that these IFNA Members are willing to take on this important role within the organization. IFNA’s leadership history is rooted in the willingness of dedicated volunteers. Thank you for your commitment and your valued contributions to the mission of improving family nursing worldwide! Congratulations!
Elisabeth Coyne (Australia)
Teresa Guiterrez-Aleman (Spain)
Junko Honda (Japan) – re-elected
Suja Somanadhan (Ireland) – re-elected
Nominating Committee
Beth Cosgrove (USA)
Anne Ersig (USA)
Mari Ikeda (Japan) (Chair 2022 – 2023)
In July, the following will continue in their current term on the IFNA Board of Directors:
Veronica Swallow, President (UK)
June Andrews Horowitz, President-Elect (USA)
Veronica Lambert, Treasurer (Ireland)
Kristen Abbott-Anderson, Director (USA)
Petra Brysewicz, Director (South Africa)
Lindsay Smith, Director (Australia)
The following will continue in their current term on the IFNA Nominating Committee:
Patricia Beierwaltes (USA) (Chair 2022 – 2023)
Intima Alrimawi (USA)
Officers and Directors constitute the Board of Directors and are the governing body of the organization. This is a working Board that manages the business and affairs of IFNA. All members serve in good faith, uphold the highest professional, ethical, and legal standards, and fulfill the obligations of their positions.
Officers and Directors serve as liaisons to the IFNA Standing Committees and provide updates on committee activities during the monthly board meetings.