13th International Family Nursing Conference
June 14 – 17, 2017 (Pre-conference Workshops June 14)
University of Navarra
Pamplona, Spain
Conference Co-chairs
June Horowitz, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
Jane Lassetter, PhD, RN
Brigham Young University, USA
Click here for a list of Conference Committee Members.
Click here for the FINAL Post-conference program.
Reflections on the 13th International Family Nursing Conference
A global gathering of 329 family nurses from 29 countries took place in Pamplona, Spain from June 14-17 for the 13th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC13). The University of Navarra provided a beautiful venue for the conference. Together we explored the latest research, education, and practice on the art and science of family nursing as we attended 3 keynote addresses, 7 pre-conference workshops, 8 expert lectures, 8 special sessions, and 254 podium and 117 poster presentations. At the welcome reception we enjoyed the international flavor of the flag ceremony, honored the IFNA award recipients, and were entertained by a dance ensemble, Oberena Dantzariak Taldea. We feasted at a banquet dinner at the Bodega Otazu Winery and laughed at Mago Numis who amazed us with his magic. The Elkhos Grupo Vocal sent us on our way with beautiful music to close the conference.
We are grateful to many helping hands who assisted in various ways with IFNC13. We appreciate our generous sponsors, acknowledged in Table 1, and the 94 sponsors of Honor a Family Nurse acknowledgements. We are indebted to Cristina Garcia Vivar, Rocío Núñez (2016-2017), Jorge Aubá Guedea (2015-2016), and Dean Mercedes Pérez of the University of Navarra, School of Nursing for their warm welcome and assistance in making IFNC13 a success. As Co-Chairs, we are deeply grateful to members of the Conference Planning Committee (Helene Moriarty (USA), Sonja Meiers (USA), Barbara Voltelen (Denmark), Birte Østergaard (Denmark), Ana Márcia Mendes Castillo (Brazil), Veronica Swallow (England), Lorraine Holtslander (USA), Kathy Anderson (USA), and Janet Deatrick (USA). As Country Liaison Coordinators, Barbara Voltelen, Ana Márcia Mendes Castillo, and Veronica Swallow were instrumental in organizing Country Liaisons throughout the world to spread the word about IFNC13. Helene Moriarty and Sonja Meiers capably organized the call for and review of abstracts, slotted the podium and poster sessions, and developed first-time processes for reviewing and awarding outstanding posters and submission and review of late breaking abstracts. The Resource Advancement Committee chaired by Janet Deatrick (USA) with Kathy Knafl (USA) as board liaison and international members from England, Japan, Portugal, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, and the USA, contributed to the conference’s success by enlisting generous sponsors. Special thanks to Marcia Van Riper (former IFNA President) and her sister Vickie Stangel for once again organizing a successful raffle and thanks to attendees who donated wonderful raffle items and purchased raffle tickets. We are grateful to the IFNA Board, headed by President Carole Robinson, for their encouragement to the Conference Planning Committee and to Debbie Zaparoni & Kassalen Meetings & Events, LLC who provide us with essential support through their dedicated hard work. Last, but certainly not least, we are thankful for conference attendees who made it all possible through their devotion to family nursing.
Table 1. IFNC13 Sponsors
Gold Sponsor |
The College of Allied Health and Nursing, Minnesota State University, Mankato The Glen Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society at Minnesota State University, Mankato |
Major Supporters |
Children’s National Medical Center Sage Publishing University of California San Francisco |
Other Supporters |
Brigham Young University |
Janet Deatrick & John Ash |
Duke University |
Catherine Gilliss |
Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing |
Kathy & George Knafl |
Carol Loveland-Cherry |
University of British Columbia |
University of Minnesota |
University of Navarra |
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire |
Winona University |
Linda Young |
Advertisements |
University of Maryland |
University of Saskatchewan |
We hope to see you again in 2019 at IFNC14!
June Horowitz and Jane Lassetter
C0-chairs IFNC13