IFNA currently has 400 members, representing 33 countries
Learn more about becoming a member.
IFNA needs YOU – YOU need IFNA.
Hear IFNA members describe what membership means to them
IFNA is making substantial contributions to the advancement of family nursing through facilitating networking among those interested in family nursing education, practice, and research, bringing greater visibility to family nursing, supporting the socialization of the next generation of family nursing educators, practitioners, and researchers, and most importantly promoting the care of families in health and illness.
- IFNA Founding Members [PDF]
IFNA needs YOU – YOU need IFNA
Click on this link to hear Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar and Dr. Jyu-Lin Chen discuss the benefits of IFNA membership (Spanish, Mandarin and English videos): IFNA YouTube channel
REASONS why YOU should Become a Member of IFNA
- To interact with a global community of nurse scholars and practitioners who care about the health and healing of families.
- To assist in creating and exchanging NEW theory, research, practice, education, and policy about families and the nursing of families.
- To collaborate, lead, and mentor colleagues from around the world who share a passion for family nursing research, practice, education, and theory.
- To communicate directly with one another, share gifts and resources, and learn from each other through Twitter and the IFNA website.
- To network and exchange new knowledge at biennial IFNA meetings.
- To access experts and consultants in family nursing research, practice, and education.
- To identify and discuss potential employment opportunities in educational and clinical settings.
- To receive a reduced registration fee at the biennial IFNA conference.
- To vote in IFNA elections and at the biennial IFNA meeting.
- To serve in elected and appointed IFNA positions.
- To learn about various methods of integrating family nursing content into baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs.
- To attend webinars about family nursing theory, practice, and research
Learn more about becoming a member