IFN Foundation Mission 
The International Family Nursing Foundation (IFNF) supports the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) and advocates for the practice, education, and research of family nursing worldwide through the financial development and conscientious stewardship of charitable giving.
The Foundation’s directive is to advance family nursing through:
- Research
- Practice
- Education
- Professional association and leadership development
IFN Foundation Bylaws (October 2024)
IFN Foundation Strategic Plan (2020 – 2022)
Twitter hashtag: #IFNFoundation
Student Scholarship to participate in IFNC17.
The IFN Foundation is pleased to announce new Student Scholarships, which will provide support for students to participate in IFNC17 (in person or virtually-asynchronous) from June 17 – June 20, 2025. Scholarships will be awarded to IFNA Student Members who are enrolled in a degree granting nursing program (undergraduate or graduate level) at a college or university at the time of the application deadline.
Download the application. The deadline is Friday, February 21, 2025
IFN Foundation Board of Trustees
Chair: Catherine (Kit) Chesla (USA)
Treasurer: Marilyn Swan (USA)
Secretary: Nicole Letourneau (Canada)
Directors: Christine English (UK), Mary Heitschmidt (USA), Rhonda Lanning (USA), Helene Moriarty (USA), Wendy Looman (USA)
If you have questions, please send an email to Debbie Zaparoni at debbie@internationalfamilynursing.org
The International Family Nursing Foundation is a separate legal entity from the IFNA. It is established as a charitable, non-profit entity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service code and a not for profit corporation under Chapter 1702 of the Ohio Revised Code.