A Tribute to the Landspitali University Hospital Family Nursing Implementation Project (2007-2011) describes the innovative work of family nursing leaders in Iceland to implement family nursing on every unit of a large 900 bed university hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland [see blog post]. This carefully designed Implementation Project, led by Dr. Erla Svavarsdottir, Professor, University of Iceland, featured knowledge translation research which examined the family and nurse outcomes of an education intervention with practicing nurses who were taught a brief therapeutic conversation family nursing intervention and included the psychometric development of two research instruments based on the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models (Wright & Leahey, 2013). A list of all of the known publications from this project is included in this blog post. For more information, contact IFNA member Erla Svavarsdottir: [email protected]
IFNA Videos Available on YouTube
Dr. Sharon Denham has produced 15 videos of IFNA members from 5 countries talking about their ideas for family nursing education, practice, and research. The videos are available on YouTube and were filmed during the 11th International Family Nursing Conference in Minneapolis in June 2013. They are a useful resource for IFNA members and offer a public identity for Family Nursing. 10/15 videos focus on Family Nursing Education. Click here for links to all of these YouTube video productions.
Dr. Fabie Duhamel Receives Funding to Create International Research Collaboration in Family Systems Nursing Knowledge Translation
Dr. Fabie Duhamel, Center of Excellence in Family Nursing, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to bring together Family Systems Nursing colleagues from 6 countries (Canada, Iceland, Japan, Sweden, Thailand, USA) to to create an International Family Systems Nursing Collaboration (IFSYNC) for research using knowledge translation (KT) science to examine the implementation of of family nursing to practice settings. This group first met in Montreal in October 2012; met in Minneapolis in June 2013 (adding two new countries to the research collaboration: Switzerland and Spain); met in Denmark in August 2015; and plan to meet in Spain in June 2017. Knowledge users have also participated in these planning meetings. Several research proposals have been submitted to various funding agencies to examine knowledge translation of family nursing to practice using the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models (Wright & Leahey, 2013) and the Illness Beliefs Model (Wright & Bell, 2009). A KT research collaboration between Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand has already received funding. For more information about this project, contact IFNA member Fabie Duhamel: [email protected]
Dr. MinKyoung Song Inaugural Suzanne Bellinger Feetham Professor at University of Michigan School of Nursing
Dr. Suzanne Feetham is an outstanding family nursing scholar and leader who received a Distinguished Contribution to Family Nursing Research Award from the Journal of Family Nursing. She is also the recipient of a Living Legend Award from the American Academy of Nursing which represents the Academy’s highest recognition, reserved for honoring extraordinary accomplishment and lifetime achievements. Dr. Feetham and her husband, Terry Feetham, created and funded the “Suzanne Bellinger Feetham Professorship” at the University of Michigan. MinKyoung Song, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, was installed as the inaugural Suzanne Bellinger Feetham Professor at University of Michigan School of Nursing on April 5, 2013. Dr. Song’s research focuses on physical activity associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention and management.
New Co-Chairs and Board Liaisons for the IFNA Research Committee Announced
Announcing New Co-Chairs and Board Liaisons for IFNA Research Committee: Dr. Helene Moriarty has been appointed as the new Chair of the IFNA Research Committee and Dr. June Horowitz as Co-Chair of the IFNA Research Committee. Helene Moriarty, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, is Professor and the Diane and Robert Moritz, Jr. Endowed Chair in Nursing Research at Villanova University College of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. She is also a nurse researcher at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center whose research has focused on promoting the health and quality of life of veterans and their families. June Horowitz, PhD, RN, CNS, FAAN, is a Professor and Associate Dean for Research at the Thomas Jefferson University School of Nursing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Her research focuses on family mental health research, particularly related to childbearing and childrearing families. Previous IFNA Research Co-Chairs Dr. Ann Garwick and Dr. Janet A. Deatrick have assumed new roles in IFNA. Ann Garwick, PhD, RN, LP, LMFT, FAAN, was elected to the Board of Directors of IFNA and is a Board Liaison to the IFNA Research Committee along with Dr. Birte Østergaard from Denmark. Janet Deatrick, PhD, RN, FAAN, is co-chair of the 2015 IFNA Conference Planning committee along with Kathy A. Knafl, PhD, FAAN.