Carole A. Robinson, PhD, RN, is a Professor of Nursing at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, Canada, and Past President of IFNA. Her research focuses on understanding and supporting families living with life-limiting illness. Over the last 6 years and multiple studies, Robinson and colleagues developed a Family Caregiver Decision Support Guide based on internationally recognized standards for patient decision aids. The Guide is open access and can be found here. Please feel free to contact Dr. Robinson for information about how best to implement the Guide. An interactive version is in development and will be available in late 2018. For more information contact IFNA member, Carole Robinson.
Dr. Joan Clites Focuses on Custodial Grandparents Who are Parenting Their Grandchildren
Joan Clites, EdD, RN, is an associate professor of nursing at the California University of Pennsylvania in California, Pennsylvania, where she teaches and facilitates a 6-credit theory and clinical Family Health Nursing Course for the RN to BSN program. About 10 years ago, Dr. Clites made the very natural transition from a specialty in gerontological nursing to family health nursing taking her interest in aging with her to an interest in aging families, particularly custodial grandparents who are parenting their grandchildren for a variety of reasons. Dr. Clites most recently presented a poster on Accidental Medication Poisoning of Children Living with Grandparents at the 13th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC13) in Pamploma, Spain. She is currently serving as a new member of the IFNA Education Committee. For more information contact IFNA member, Joan Clites.
International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) Reach Statistics 2017
International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) Reach Statistics 2017:
- 36,587 sessions on the IFNA website.
- 24,903 unique users on the IFNA website.
- Most active countries (listed in order of frequency of visitors) were: United States, Canada, Australia, Spain, Japan, Brazil, and United Kingdom.
- IFNA hashtag #familyhealth reached reached 462,504 and made 600,445 impressions in 2017.
- IFNA website bounce rate average: 62.98%
- Total IFNA website pageviews: 87,931
*The IFNA Google Analytics property was disconnected for about 2 months (November, December) while the website underwent construction. If the Google Analytics property had not been disconnected all IFNA Website Analytics would be about 20% higher.
A breakdown of where IFNA website traffic came from in 2017:
- Google: 65.6%
- Direct Traffic: 16.4%
- Bing: 6.2%
- Yahoo: 3.8%
- Twitter: 0.8%
Dr. Rahel Naef Evaluates Family Nursing Implementation in Acute and Critical Care in Switzerland
Rahel Naef, PhD, RN, is a clinical nurse scientist at the University Hospital Zurich in Zurich, Switzerland. Her research focuses on the experiences and needs of later life families, with an emphasis on caregiving-receiving and bereavement. Her present research includes the evaluation of family nursing implementation and family-centered care delivery in acute and critical care. She also investigates the experience and needs of older persons with cognitive impairment and their families entering acute care. Dr. Naef is a member of the acute care research cluster of the IFNA International Research Collaboration Subcommittee. For more information, contact IFNA member Rahel Naef.
Rita Leal and Marilia Rua Examine Family Influence on Breastfeeding Success and Duration in Portugal
Rita Leal, MN, RN, is a midwife, family nurse practitioner, and assistant professor at the School of Health of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Marília Rua, PhD, RN, is a midwife, senior lecturer, and Director of the masters course in family nursing for graduate nurses at the School of Health of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Together they collaborate with Amâncio Carvalho, PhD, RN, a senior lecturer at the School of Health of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal.
Their research is focused on family factors that influence breastfeeding. In a recent study they used the Calgary Family Assessment Model and a novel virtual snowball sampling recruitment strategy. Given their encouraging results of family influence on self-reported breastfeeding success and duration, the study is being extended nationwide in Portugal. For more information contact IFNA members, Rita Leal and Marilia Rua.
Rita Leal Twitter: @RitaLea01096668
Rita Leal LinkedIn:
Marilia Rua LinkedIn: