Barbara Voltelen, RN, MHSc, PhD, is a senior lecturer, Department of Nursing Education in Vejle, University College Lillebaelt, Denmark and teaches family nursing in the undergraduate curriculum. She defended her doctoral thesis “Family System Nursing Intervention: Nurses’ experiences and its impact on heart failure families’ readjustment processes – a qualitative process evaluation” in March 2016. Currently she is developing a post-doctoral research project focusing on the immediate and longitudinal impact of a family nursing intervention called Family Health Conversations (FamHC) with families living with cancer following discharge. Barbara currently serves as an IFNA Country Liaison Coordinator. For further information contact IFNA member, Barbara Voltelen.
Barbara recently co-authored a new book about the dialogic meeting between health professionals and families affected by serious illness [Danish language] Familiedialog og refleksion ved alvorlig sygdom.