Developed by Marie-Luise Friedemann, RN, PhD, and described in “ The Framework of Systemic Organization” (1995). Website:
The practical application of Dr. Friedemann’s theoretical framework has largely been taken up in Europe for the last 35 years. She has written a book in German that is now in its 4th edition. Her framework is integrated in many nursing school curricula throughout German-speaking Europe. One Bachelor program at the Evangelische Fachhochschule Berlin, the first in Germany, is entirely based on Friedemann’s framework. Dr. Friedemann’s ideas have also influenced family nursing care in Switzerland, Columbia (and across Latin America), and the Philippines.
A extensive bibliography of Dr. Friedemann’s publications is included on her website:
Contact information: Marie-Luise Friedemann PhD, RN, Professor Emerita, Florida International University, Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences, PO Box 1079, Panacea, Florida 32346; Telephone: (850) 984-0133