The co-chairs of the IFNA Research Committee offered an IFNA webinar in September 2014 entitled, “Writing a Winning Abstract: A Walk through the Abstract Submission Process with our International Nursing Colleagues,” which was open to IFNA members and non-members. This archived webinar is now available for FREE access. The Call for Abstracts for the 12th International Family Nursing Conference is open between October 1-November 24, 2014.
The content of the Writing a Winning Abstract webinar includes: a brief introduction to the next IFNA conference, 2) nuts and bolts of abstracts, 3) review of abstract sections with examples, 4) review of two sample abstracts, 5) tips for success, 6) review of online submission process, and 7) questions and answers with dialogue. The purpose of the webinar is to assist family nursing colleagues in preparing strong abstracts for the 12th International Family Nursing Conference and to increase the visibility and potential membership for IFNA.
The webinar announcement was distributed widely—to IFNA members, family organizations, doctoral program directors, research deans, Eastern Nursing Research Society, USA, and to other international colleagues and groups through IFNA board members, committee chairs, and Country Liaisons. 119 persons registered for the webinar and 71 joined the webinar representing 20 countries. The webinar was recorded, and the link is now available to IFNA members and nonmembers on the website. The number of hits to the archived webinar will be tracked. The IFNA Research Committee plans to follow up with webinar registrants and attendees to provide them with more information about IFNA and to encourage membership.