Katie Webber, BScN, RN, is a doctoral student in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Katie’s passion for caring for children with cancer, and their families, comes from both her professional experience working for ten years as a pediatric hematology, oncology, and bone marrow transplant nurse, as well as her personal experience of being the sibling of a pediatric cancer survivor. Katie’s doctoral thesis work, under the supervision of Dr. Nancy Moules, focuses on nurse-parent relational complexity in pediatric oncology contexts. Her doctoral research is supported by a Doctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, a Canadian Nurses Foundation Doctoral Scholarship, and a Killam Doctoral Scholarship. Katie hopes that her work will help families and healthcare providers to understand the significance of quality nurse-parent relationships, as a way to improve psychosocial care outcomes for children with cancer and their families. Following the completion of her doctoral studies, Katie hopes to continue to advance family-centered care by advocating, through research, education, and clinical work, to improve support for families of children with cancer and the nurses who care for them.
For more information contact Katie Webber: [email protected]