The 30th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing was held on September 9-10, 2023 (live streaming at the first venue only, on-demand streaming from September 15 to October 30, 2023) at the Osaka University Suita Campus Convention Center and Health Sciences Lecture Hall. The theme of the meeting was “Dyadic Approach/Another Way of Building a Home.” A total of 1,189 people registered to attend the conference.
A special lecture was given by Dr. Yasuhiko Murakami, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, on the theme “NISHINARI, a town created by children”.
Educational lectures were given by Dr. Yutaka Higashi, Faculty of Psychology, Ryukoku University, on “Tips for involvement in family therapy”, and by Dr. Norio Sakai, Department of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, on “Genetics and the family”.
At the 30th Anniversary Symposium, former presidents reviewed the progress of the past 30 years and discussed the future vision of family nursing with the audience. President Dr. Akiko Araki presented the grand design concept for the future.
Symposium 1 was titled: “Exploring Research Methods on Relationships within Families to Discuss the Dyadic Approach“, and one of the four symposium speakers, Dr. Edward K.L. Chan, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was invited to discuss the theme of the conference.
Symposium 2 was titled “Family Nursing Now from the Perspective of Another Way of Building a Home“, and the three symposiasts spoke on this topic, discussing the other theme of the conference.
We were able to hold a large number of programs including: 102 general presentations, 19 exchange meetings, and 9 committee planning sessions. Many people were also able to view the six international and interdisciplinary on-demand lectures.
The internationally renowned, Dr. Tytti Solantaus gave a presentation on “Let’s Talk about Children in Japan”, and Dr. Kathleen J. Sawin gave an easy-to-understand lecture on “Measuring Families in Various Settings: What Measurement Do We Need?”
Finally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to all participants for their cooperation, including the board members, councilors, reviewers, planning and management committee members, executive committee members, volunteers, and sponsors.
The next annual meeting will be held in Kamakura, Japan, on September 14-15, 2024, chaired by Dr. Reiko Inoue, Tokai University.
Akemi YAMAZAKI, Ph.D., RN, Conference President of the 30th Annual JARFN Conference
Professor, Division of Health Sciences, Area of Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University