Yuuko Mabrey Johnson, MSN-Leadership, CSN, PHN, has a distinguished 20-year career working within inclusive community-based, transdisciplinary, and trans-agency systems of family-focused care supporting diverse populations of infants and toddlers and their families through the auspices of Federal Part C Early Intervention and the California Early Start Programs.
She is a member of a Sacramento County team created to provide training and technical assistance to local school district teachers (kindergarten through grade twelve) attempting to implement the recently released California Health Education Framework with the overarching outcomes to improve health literacy for all students, improved health outcomes, and achieve optimal health.
Yuuko is passionately involved with building alliances with local stakeholders to positively impact health disparities and promote health equity by participating in and forming relationships with pediatric residency programs, early childhood educator credentialing programs, and creating the Infant-Toddler Nurse Collaborative.
Yuuko is currently serving as co-chair of the IFNA Practice Committee.
For more information contact IFNA member, Yuuko Mabrey Johnson at [email protected] or linkedin.com/in/yuuko-mabrey-johnson-msn-leadership-rn-37945b18/