Dr. Rosemary Eustace is a Professor at Wright State University, USA. Her current research focuses on breast health awareness, education, and early detection. She works primarily with a population of rural women in midlife and their significant others in Tanzania, a low-income country in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her research also involves community health workers and primary care health care providers. Data is collected through an investigator-developed critical informant interview guide and a focus group discussion guide that explores the prospective feasibility and acceptability of a community health worker-led couple-based breast health awareness and early breast cancer detection program. Through this work, Dr. Eustace and her team seek to develop a multi-level breast health awareness and early detection program that will contribute towards Tanzania’s community health strategies for breast cancer prevention.
To achieve this important work, Dr. Eustace collaborates with Dr. Tumaini Nyamhanga from the School of Public Health at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) (https://muhas.ac.tz/). To support her ability to undertake this research, Dr. Eustace and Dr. Nyamhanga completed the competitive National Cancer Institute Multilevel Intervention Training Institute (https://healthcaredelivery.cancer.gov/mlti/) and the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (https://www.iie.org/programs/carnegie-african-diaspora-fellowship-program/).
As a nurse educator, Dr Eustace has been recognized for Innovation in Teaching Award for Family Science (https://cognella.com/blog/2019/11/21/three-instructors-honored-with-cognella-innovation-in-teaching-awards-for-family-science/). In addition, she is also part of a team of Wright State University nurse educators participating in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Pilot School initiative on Competency-Based Education for Practice-Ready Nurse Graduates (https://vocalvideo.com/v/aacn-essentials-anf-wright-state-university).
Dr. Eustace has also led Global Health Learning study abroad trips to Tanzania since 2012.
For further information, please contact Dr. Eustace: rosemary.eustace@wright.edu.