Dr. Patricia Beierwaltes Advances Family Nursing Knowledge Through Digital Stories
Patricia Beierwaltes, DNP, CPNP, is an associate professor at Minnesota State University Mankato in the College of Allied Health and Nursing (USA). Currently, her teaching responsibilities are in the graduate program, where she teaches a variety of courses engaging future DNPs in practice and research challenges. Her work in Family Nursing comes from her love of working with families and teaching nurses how to practice family nursing. Research efforts in family nursing have included using digital stories to translate family nursing knowledge to traditional nursing practice (Sandra Eggenberger, David Clisbee), using digital stories to understand nurses’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic (Tammy Neiman, Sandra Eggenberger, David Clisbee), and developing a family nursing focus at a faculty and student-managed school-based health clinic (Sandra Eggenberger). The school-based health clinic launched a project that will be presented at IFNC15 on Family Interviews Guide A School-based Program For Children With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus And Their Families (Sarah Ogilvie, Chelsi Esqueda, Sandra Eggenberger). Recent publications include her work as co-chair of the Spina Bifida Health Care Guidelines. Current work is focused on family-friendly publications of those guidelines, establishing protocols for testing in the spina bifida population, and supportive work within a CDC workgroup on a prevention program related to the maintenance of skin integrity. A link to her scholarly work is available here: Google Scholar Profile.