Nkeiru Adoga, RN, MPH, PCCN, is a doctoral nursing student at Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA. Her research is focused on advanced care planning awareness to help families plan for unexpected health care events. The goal is to promote patient autonomy, improve quality of life at the end of life, and improve patient and family experience.
Nkeiru is very passionate about health equity. In addition to her research, she is currently working with the Association of Nigerian Nurses in Minnesota to promote equity in COVID-19 safety education by providing COVID vaccine facts to immigrant and minority communities in the metro area to reduce vaccine hesitance and helping those with limited access to navigate where to get the vaccine.
Nkeiru is a 2021 recipient of a conference grant from the International Family Nursing Foundation to support her participation at the virtual 15th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC15).
For more information, contact IFNA member Nkeiru Adoga: nekeocha@yahoo.com