Dr. Marie Louise Luttik was recently installed as a professor of Family Care within the Research Group in Nursing Diagnostics at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen (the Netherlands). She is leading a Family Care program of research with a primary mission to contribute to the development of a more systemic approach to care across the full breadth of healthcare, in a variety of settings, and in collaboration with various disciplines based on applied scientific research, the results of which are translated into the curricula of the disciplines involved.
The research program now includes four PhD trajectories: Collaboration between nurses and family caregivers of older home-dwelling persons (Dr. Ellen Hagedoorn); The effectiveness of Family Health Conversations in primary care (Susanne Broekema); Young adult caregivers: Burden and support needs (Hinke van der Werf); and Shared decision making and the role of family in older patients with cancer (Bea Dijkman).
Research at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences is based on a strong interrelationship between practice, research and education. Results of various studies, e.g. teaching Family Health Conversations, have already been translated into the nursing education curriculum at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences.
For more information, contact IFNA member, Marie Louise Luttik.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marie-louise-luttik-44925922/
Personal Twitter account: https://twitter.com/luttikmarie
Twitter account about the family nursing initiatives at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands: https://twitter.com/hgfamiliezorg