Hayley Hendrikson Estrem, PhD, RN, studies child and family-centered care for infants and children with pediatric feeding disorder, a condition that has a significant impact on children their families, especially for children with delay or disability. In 2018 she completed a competitive NICHD-funded T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for Developmental Science (CDS) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and is now an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington School of Nursing (USA).
Pediatric feeding disorder causes dysfunction for both the child and the family. This is a serious issue as the first years of life are critical for neurological and social-emotional development. Infants and young children with developmental delays
have a compounded risk; for early intervention to be successful, nutrition and family interaction must be optimized. The goal of Dr. Estrem’s program of research is to develop a knowledge base about this complex developmental issue to improve assessment and treatment. She uses a multimethod approach and has experience with concept analyses, measure development, mixed-methods design, and symptom science. Dr. Estrem is currently a co-investigator on an NINR funded R01: Symptom Trajectories in Infants and Toddlers at Risk for Chronic Feeding Problems and will conduct a series of interviews with a subsample of parents. Also, Dr. Estrem is developing a family support program with the Center for Pediatric Behavioral Health, an intensive day treatment feeding disorder clinic in Wilmington, North Carolina.
For more information contact IFNA member, Dr. Hayley Estrem: estremh@uncw.edu