14th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC14)
Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
Washington, DC, USA
August 13 – 16, 2019
Hashtag: #IFNC14
Conference Co-chairs
June Horowitz, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
Sonja Meiers, PhD, RN
Winona State University-Rochester, USA
Reflections on the 14th International Family Nursing Conference
A global gathering of 377 family nurses from 25 countries took place in Washington, D.C., USA from August 13-16, 2019 for the 14th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC14). Our host city, Washington, D.C., provided an excellent venue for the conference with accessible spaces in our conference hotel, easy travel access, and many local attractions for visitors, including free admission to the many nearby Smithsonian Museums. Together we explored the latest research, education, practice, and health policy issues related to our theme, Social Determinants of Health: Expanding Family Nursing Capacity. We are particularly indebted to Dr. Pam Hinds and the Local Planning Committee for their warm welcome to Washington, D.C. and assistance in making IFNC14 a success. We give special acknowledgement for the generous financial support from our official sponsor, Children’s National Health System, Washington, D.C., and from our Gold Sponsor, the Glen Taylor Institute for Family and Society, and the College of Allied Health & Nursing at Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN, USA. We recognize and thank all who supported IFNC14.
We enjoyed three keynote addresses from Dr. Gala True & Sharon Urbina, Dr. Hester Klopper, and Dr. Sheila Tlou, and one response panel, seven pre-conference workshops, seven expert lectures, and 210 podium and 145 poster presentations. We were challenged to think about engaging families in our research, education, and practice; to grow interprofessional collaborations on behalf of family health; consider family caregiving as a social determinant of health; advance policy and advocacy initiatives in preparation for a global nursing shortage; grow the reach of IFNA to new places. At the opening, we enjoyed the international spirit of the flag ceremony, honored the IFNA award recipients, remembered IFNA members who have died during the past 2 years, and were entertained by Josh Sommerville’s wonderful rendition of an American contemporary song book. We enjoyed our dinner cruise on the beautiful Potomac River with vistas of Washington, D.C., along with fine food, music and dancing. We concluded with an inspiring presentation from Dr. Beth Hundt, Notes on Nursing: Past and Present, and a call to IFNC15 in Dublin, Ireland.
We are truly grateful to the many people who assisted in various ways with IFNC14 and the sponsors of Honor Families and Family Nurses (HFFN) honorees, as well as all who contributed to HFFN at the conference. Sponsorships and donations make it possible for us to support our conferences without making large increases in the registration/membership fees required to cover costs, and to support many IFNA initiatives. We urge members to contribute because without financial support from members and sponsors, we cannot carry out the many valuable activities that we do and that members want. Notably, for the first time IFNA was able to provide conference travel scholarships to eight students to attend IFNC14 due to donations to HFFN and the Dr. Kathryn Hoehn Anderson Student Travel Fund. To continue this important support of students we need ongoing contributions. It was exciting to see 32 participants in the first-ever Graduate Student Engagement group led by Wendi Smith (USA)!
As Co-Chairs, we are deeply grateful to members of the Conference Planning Committee: Pam Hinds (USA/local Planning Sub-Com. chair ), Maria do Ceu Barbieri Figueiredo (Portugal), Jill Bally (Canada), Ana Marcia Mendes-Castillo (Brazil), Janet Deatrick (USA), Kim Mooney-Doyle (USA), Christine English (United Kingdom), Katherine Knafl (USA), Helene Moriarty (USA), and Barbara Voltelen (Denmark). Our Country Liaisons throughout the world spread the word about IFNC14. Helene Moriarty and Kim Mooney-Doyle in coordination with Debbie Zaparoni capably organized the call for and review of abstracts, slotted the podium and poster sessions, and developed processes for reviewing and awarding outstanding posters, and submission and review of late breaking abstracts. We are thankful to the Awards Committee, co-chaired by Norma Krumwiede (USA) and Barbara Preusse (Switzerland), who graciously honored our IFNA Awardees. We sincerely appreciate the Communications Committee, co-chaired by Janice Bell (Canada) and Wilma Schroeder (Canada), who enthusiastically helped us grow the IFNC14 social media footprint and Wendy Looman (USA), who helped us create a “buzz” about family nursing across the globe in her coordination of the Guidebook application. In addition, we are grateful to all IFNA members who advised the Conference Planning Committee along the way.
The Resource Advancement Committee chaired by Janet Deatrick (USA) with Kathy Knafl (USA) as board liaison and international members from England, Japan, Portugal, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, and the USA, contributed to the conference’s success by enlisting generous sponsors and hosted a gracious Donor Reception. We offer special thanks to Vickie Stangel, sister of Marcia Van Riper (former IFNA President) for once again organizing a successful raffle, and we also thank attendees who donated wonderful raffle items and purchased raffle tickets.
We are grateful to the IFNA Board of Directors, headed by President Jane Lassetter, for their encouragement to the Conference Planning Committee and to Debbie Zaparoni & Kassalen Meetings & Events, LLC who provided us with essential support through their dedicated hard work. Last, but certainly not least, we are thankful for conference attendees who made it all possible through their devotion to family nursing.
It has been our honor and pleasure to serve IFNA as Conference Planning Committee Co-Chairs. We hope that you enjoyed IFNC14 as much as we did and that you will plan to attend IFNC15 in Dublin in 2021!
Warm regards,
June Andrews Horowitz and Sonja J. Meiers
IFNC14 Conference Committee Co-Chairs