Eydis Kristin Sveinbjarnardottir, RN, MSN, PhD, is currently Dean of the School of Health Sciences and an associate professor at the University of Akureyri (Unak) in Iceland.
In the autumn of 2016, a decision was made by the administration of Akureyri’s Hospital (SAk) to implement family nursing in the entire hospital (similar to the Landspitali Family Nursing Implementation Project (2007-2011). Members of the Center of Family Nursing Research and Development, Landspitali National University Hospital in Reykjavik travelled to Akureyri and offered two days of education for nurse leaders at SAk to begin the implementation process. Unak and SAk have a formal research collaboration agreement which provides Dr. Sveinbjarnardottir an opportunity to supervise and collaborate with masters and doctoral students at Unak as they conduct research on this hospital-wide implementation of family nursing.
For a brief update about the new Akureyri Family Nursing Implementation Project that is in progress, please see the following links:
Dr. Sveinbjarnardottir and Dr. Erla Kolbrun Svavarsdottir, Professor, University of Iceland are continuing to collaborate in the development and language translations of their co-developed Iceland-Family Perceived Support Questionnaire (ICE-FPSQ). The ICE-FPSQ has been translated and psychometrically tested into Swedish. A doctoral student at the University of Lisbon, co-supervised by Dr. Sveinbjarnardottir, has translated and psychometrically tested the ICE-FPSQ in Portuguese.
For more information contact IFNA member, Eydis Sveinbjarnardottir.