Sandra Alguire, RN, MN, is course leader of Family Nursing in the Baccalaureate Degree Program in Nursing at Red River College, Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. Monica Burfoot, RN, BN, is a nursing instructor in Family Nursing at Red River College. With the guidance of retired course leader of Family Nursing, Wilma Schroeder, MMFT, BN, RN, they have developed an undergraduate family nursing course using a “flipped classroom” that emphasizes the application of family nursing concepts.
A “flipped classroom” is one in which the delivery of information through lecture occurs online at home, and class time is used for the application of knowledge through active learning strategies. Prior to class, students complete readings, view a brief (10 min) online lecture, and complete a small weekly task. Class then begins with a brief lecture that provides in depth knowledge about family nursing concepts from the online lecture that is supported with audio visual aids and class discussion. Students then complete an activity in small groups where they engage in work that requires application of these concepts. Time is reserved to work on assignments with both instructors available to explain difficult concepts and guide students in the application of these concepts. A simulation class allows students to actively engage in therapeutic conversation with families. In addition, members of the local Family Advisory Network are invited to the classroom to share their personal experiences, engage with students, and participate in a panel
which allows students to understand how families are affected in significant ways by their experiences within the healthcare system. Benefits of this model include the ability of the student to review the online lecture as often as necessary, more access to assistance from instructors in understanding and applying concepts, and greater ability to meet individual student learning needs. The emphasis on guided application assists students to translate knowledge into skills and competencies. For more information contact IFNA members, Sandy Alguire, Monica Burfoot, or Wilma Schroeder.