Call for Preconference Workshops and Expert Lectures
Deadline Friday, September 9, 2016
IFNA members are advancing family nursing through their innovations in research, education, and practice. Preconference Workshops and Expert Lectures provide an opportunity for all of us to benefit from recent advances in the field.
The Conference Committee invites submissions of applications for offering a preconference workshop or expert lecture at the 13th International Family Nursing Conference (June, 2017). The application should be submitted in English; however, we welcome English submissions from those who are interested in presenting a workshop or lecture in Spanish.
- Preconference Workshop: Preconference workshops provide attendees with an opportunity to undertake in-depth examination of a family nursing research, practice, or education topic. Workshops typically combine didactic presentation and interactive discussions lead by one or more presenters. All workshops are half-day sessions. Workshops will be held on Wednesday, June 14th. We anticipate having three morning (9:00a – 12:00p) and three afternoon (1:30p – 4:30p) workshops. Each workshop will receive up to two waived conference registration fees and up to two complimentary nights in a conference hotel. The Conference Committee anticipates at least one workshop will be presented in Spanish.
- Expert Lecture: Expert lectures provide didactic content on a focused topic related to family nursing research, education, or practice (e.g., synthesis of family research, family content in undergraduate education, family research methodology, developing a family consultation service). We expect to have 6 expert lectures (each 1 hour) presented during 2 concurrent sessions. Lecturers will receive a waived conference registration fee and one complimentary night in a conference hotel. The Conference Committee anticipates at least one expert lecture will be presented in Spanish.
Please consider applying to present a preconference workshop or expert lecture. Applications are due by Friday, September 9, 2016 and should include the following information.
- Workshop Organizer/Expert Lecturer
a. Name
b. Position/Title
c. Affiliation
d. City, State Country
e. Email address - Workshop/Lecture Title:
- Workshop/Lecture Description (not to exceed 100 words). This statement will be used to promote the workshop (if accepted) and would appear in all conference related materials.
- Proposed level of Workshop/Lecture
a. Novice level is aimed toward those who may be new graduates or are new to the topic of presentation.
b. Intermediate level is aimed at those who have some familiarity with the topic, but little firsthand experience.
c. Experienced level is aimed at the highly experienced, who are looking for a stimulating learning experience that challenges them and addresses issues they are likely to be confronting in their research, teaching, or practice. - Workshop/Lecture Objectives. At the end of the workshop/lecture, attendees will be able to: (list objectives)
- Content: Provide an outline of the content to be presented for each objective. For preconference workshops, identify the workshop faculty responsible for specific content.
- Workshop Faculty: For each faculty presenter, provide the following information: name, credentials, affiliation, city, state, country, citations for 2-3 publications relevant to objectives of workshop.
- Expert Lecturer: List 2-3 presentations given on the topic in the past three years and 2-3 publications relevant to the expert lecture.
Click here for the Application Form.