Here is a selected list of items IFNA and its members are sharing on Twitter. For a list of IFNA members on Twitter, visit Janice Bell’s blog.
IFNA position statements and translations on pre-licensure family nursing education and generalist competencies for family nursing practice.
Involving families in healthcare—Danish and Spanish perspectives from Julie Wray (@JuWray)
Using social media to support student learning from Wilma Schroeder (@wschroederMMFT)
Is there a role for family nursing in physician assisted death? from IFNA (@IFNAorg)
Participants’ views of telephone interviews within a grounded theory study from Jennifer Baumbusch (@GERONursing)
IFNA response to the global refugee crisis from IFNA (@IFNAorg)
Strength-based parenting and life satisfaction in teenagers from Lindsay Smith (@DrLindsaySmith)
How the most successful people ask questions from Janice M. Bell (@janicembell)
Resources for parents experiencing mental illness for helping their families from Wilma Schroeder (@wschroederMMFT)
Engaging patients and families in communication across transitions of care from IFNA (@IFNAorg)
The 4 rituals that will make you an expert at anything from IFNA (@IFNAorg)
Social media could help assess risk of mental illness
Why do we think we know what we know from Wendy Looman (@looma003)
Nourishing output from a vending machine
Tweeting about research and researching about Twitter
30 tips for successful academic research and writing
Finally, not sure how to make the most of your Twitter account? Check out Siobhan O’Dwyer’s presentation about helping academics make the most out of Twitter.
Joel G. Anderson, PhD, CHTP, is a member of the IFNA Communications Committee. His research focuses on support of family caregivers and persons with dementia. He uses social media as one way of examining the family caregiving experience. You can follow him on Twitter at @JoelAndersonPhD.