The IFNA Education Committee has begun a new initiative to expand the existing collection of resources for family nursing educators at the undergraduate and graduate levels. You are invited to complete a Building a Toolkit Questionnaire (available in English and French) which asks for information about the family nursing teaching resources you have found useful. The results of the questionnaire will be collated into an IFNA Toolkit for Family Nursing Educators which will be archived on the IFNA website.
It will take approximately 10 to 30 minutes to complete the Building a Toolkit Questionnaire, depending on the number of family nursing teaching resources you wish to share. By completing this questionnaire, you are agreeing to share your teaching resources with the IFNA Education Committee. If you provide your email on the questionnaire, you will be informed in the event that your teaching resource is included in the IFNA Toolkit for Family Nursing Educators. There are no financial gains or costs to this participation. However, by participating in this data collection, your contribution is helping to build a foundation for the next generation of family nursing educators and scholars. Thank you!