Dr. Intima Alrimawi Focuses on Child Protection and Improving Health Outcomes for Families Experiencing Higher Rates of Health Disparities

Dr. Rosemary Eustace is a Professor at Wright State University, USA. Her current research focuses on breast health awareness, education, and early detection. She works primarily with a population of rural women in midlife and their significant others in Tanzania, a low-income country in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her research also involves community health workers and primary care health care providers. Data is collected through an investigator-developed critical informant interview guide and a focus group discussion guide that explores the prospective feasibility and acceptability of a community health worker-led couple-based breast health awareness and early breast cancer detection program. Through this work, Dr. Eustace and her team seek to develop a multi-level breast health awareness and early detection program that will contribute towards Tanzania’s community health strategies for breast cancer prevention.
To achieve this important work, Dr. Eustace collaborates with Dr. Tumaini Nyamhanga from the School of Public Health at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) (https://muhas.ac.tz/). To support her ability to undertake this research, Dr. Eustace and Dr. Nyamhanga completed the competitive National Cancer Institute Multilevel Intervention Training Institute (https://healthcaredelivery.cancer.gov/mlti/) and the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (https://www.iie.org/programs/carnegie-african-diaspora-fellowship-program/).
As a nurse educator, Dr Eustace has been recognized for Innovation in Teaching Award for Family Science (https://cognella.com/blog/2019/11/21/three-instructors-honored-with-cognella-innovation-in-teaching-awards-for-family-science/). In addition, she is also part of a team of Wright State University nurse educators participating in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Pilot School initiative on Competency-Based Education for Practice-Ready Nurse Graduates (https://vocalvideo.com/v/aacn-essentials-anf-wright-state-university).
Dr. Eustace has also led Global Health Learning study abroad trips to Tanzania since 2012.
For further information, please contact Dr. Eustace: [email protected].
Dr. Barbara Giambra, PhD, APRN, CPNP-PC, is an Assistant Professor at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the University of Cincinnati (USA). Dr. Giambra studies the effects of communication between healthcare providers and the families of children with complex chronic conditions. Dr. Giambra seeks to understand the effects of caregiver-clinician communication on family management and child and family outcomes, and ways to modify communication behaviors to enhance outcomes. Through this work, Dr. Giambra has developed the Theory of Shared Communication and has utilized several instruments, including the Family Management Measure (FaMM), Parent Perception of Uncertainty Scale (PPUS), PedsQL, PROMIS 25, PROMIS Global Health and the Global Family Quality of Life Scale. Dr. Giambra was awarded a K23 grant from the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2018.
For more information, contact IFNA member Barbara Giambra.
Twitter: @BKGiambra
Linked-In: Barbara Giambra
Theresa Ryan Schultz, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, is the Director of Emergency Medicine and Trauma Center Nursing at Children’s National Hospital and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science in Washington, D.C., USA. Dr. Schultz’s research focuses on the intersection between youth who identify as LGBTQ+ and emergency care for suicidality. Through this research, she and her team seek to understand psychological safety from the emic perspective of the patient in the clinical setting.
Dr. Schultz is a widely recognized and honored scholar. Recently, in 2022, Dr. Schultz’s Emergency Department Psychiatry Team was awarded the Children’s National Hospital Core Values Award. In 2021, she received the Washington Post/American Nurses Association Star Nurse award. And in 2019 she and her team received the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) DAISY Honorable Mention for exemplary work at Children’s National Hospital in improving patient and workforce safety by meeting the mental health needs of pediatric patients in the Emergency Departments. These efforts directly align with Dr. Schultz’s research. For more information about Dr. Schultz’s work, contact her at [email protected].Twitter: @TRS1375
IFNA member, Teresa Gutiérrez-Alemán, PhD, MSc, RN, was recently recognized in a Spanish nursing journal for her contributions to the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) and her leadership in family nursing.
See the English language translation of the journal article below:
The International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) was founded in 1988 by a group of international nurses united with the goal of improving the health and well-being of families worldwide. The core values of IFNA are a compassionate family focus on health, social justice, human dignity, and respect for all. The vision of IFNA is to build a community of nurses and other healthcare professionals dedicated to transforming health for families worldwide.
The goals of IFNA are built on three principles: to serve as a unifying force and voice for family nursing globally; to share knowledge, practices, and skills to enhance and nurture family nursing practice; and to facilitate leadership through education, research, scholarship, socialization, and collegial exchange.
To achieve its mission, IFNA currently has members from 33 countries, including Dr. Teresa Gutiérrez-Alemán who completed her undergraduate degree Nursing from the University of Navarra and subsequently obtained a master’s degree in “Management and Advanced Practice in Nursing.” After receiving a scholarship (academic excellence), and motivated by her passion for family nursing, she decided to pursue her doctoral thesis in the field of Family Nursing. She joined the Public University of Navarra as an academic researcher following the completion of her doctoral program.
Adding to her list of achievements, Dr. Teresa Gutiérrez-Alemán has reached a new milestone: becoming an elected member of the IFNA Board of Directors. “I have been an IFNA member since 2017. Later, I decided to run for the board elections. To access this position, it is essential to meet a series of requirements, such as having been a member of one of its standing committees for at least two years.”
The election process begins by establishing the eligibility requirements to join the board. Next, each member presents their plan, highlighting what they can contribute to IFNA. After this request, a specific committee is responsible for selecting those profiles that, in addition to meeting the established requirements, consider them aligned with the strategic plan objectives.
After the selection, the vote is opened, and IFNA members from 33 countries vote. “Profiles that receive the most votes become part of the board for the next two years.” Currently, the IFNA Board of Directors is composed of six people from Australia, South Africa, the United States, Ireland, and Japan. “I am the new addition from Spain. There have been Spaniards on the board before, such as Dr. Cristina García Vivar, but currently, I am the only one,” Teresa says.
Teresa initially had doubts about running for the position. “I was not sure about letting my name stand for election. The candidates for this role are typically seasoned professionals with extensive experience, and as the youngest person to hold this position, I felt uncertain. However, my involvement with IFNA has shaped my perspective and deepened my understanding of its values over the years. Ultimately, I am excited to serve this organization and contribute to its mission,” she explains.
According to our interviewee, one of the critical factors in the success of IFNA is its cross-disciplinary nature. “IFNA is not exclusive to nursing professionals; individuals from all health care professional backgrounds are invited to participate. In addition, the association is focused on research, education, and practice. In fact, the richness of diversity in the backgrounds and specialties of its members sets IFNA apart. This diverse and broad range of expertise is one of its greatest strengths, which I believe has great value for all areas IFNA is dedicated to.”
Teresa emphasizes the significant value of her experience with IFNA:
“IFNA has provided me with many opportunities to learn and grow. I have had the privilege of working with highly skilled and experienced individuals, and the association encourages inclusion and collaboration. IFNA is a great place for nurses who are passionate about improving the quality of care for families and come from different backgrounds and specialties to develop their skills and knowledge. I highly recommend anyone who shares this passion and interest to consider joining IFNA, whether you are a nurse working in practice, research, politics, or education.”
The publication also highlighted Teresa’s passion for basketball. She is an accomplished professional basketball referee. With 11 years of experience, she has been a part of the Spanish Basketball Federation’s referee group for the past four years, making her the first woman from Navarre, Spain to attain this level of achievement.
See link to the original publication of this news: https://enfermeriaendesarrollo.es/calidad-percibida/la-enfermeria-en-clave-internacional/
For more information or to offer your congratulations, please contact IFNA member Teresa Gutiérrez- Alemán: [email protected]
Photo above of Dr. Teresa Gutierrez Aleman who attended a Family Nursing Externship in Switzerland with Dr. Janice Bell (Canada), Barbara Preusse-Bleuler (Switzerland), and Dr. Lorraine Wright (Canada).
Photo below of the article that was published in the Spanish nursing journal.